StarBase Help

The object of StarBase is to shoot incoming objects before they collide with the base located in the center of the screen. The base is equipped with a rotating cannon that can shoot lasers in four directions. This cannon can be moved using the `j' and `k' keys and fired using the `spacebar'. Firing the cannon uses precious energy. More energy can be obtained by picking up energy objects. Objects that collide with the base cause damage to the base's shields. The game is over when the base is hit and the shield level is zero. More shields can be obtained by picking up the shield objects.

Below is a table of all the objects you will encounter. Be sure to shoot that death object or it will destroy the base on impact. Good Luck!

Special objects Shoot these objects
Energy - don't shoot this Earth Jupiter Mars
Shield - don't shoot this Mercury Neptune Pluto
Death - shoot this or die Saturn Uranus Venus
Explosion - Boom!

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